January 13, 2021 by admin

Yes, of course the risk profile of distribution warehouse properties has changed in 2020, just like everything else in the world. At the same time, I think it’s fair to say that it has changed to a lesser degree than most other asset classes. The question is: What does it look like now, and are the changes permanent? The paths of so-called mid-market assets of less than 500,000 square feet and those of 500,000 sf to more than 1 million sf diverged sharply in mid-March, specifically pertaining to vacancy/leasing risk. Thanks to the e-commerce surge that coincided with the initial coronavirus surge, the biggest e-retailers, especially Amazon, did not skip a beat in their absorption of fulfillment space and large regional distribution centers. In fact, in some of our U.S. markets, Amazon by itself represented upward of 80% of all net absorption in the second quarter, almost exclusively by way of leasing buildings above 1 million sf. The reason for this is that one lesson learned from coronavirus by the larger retailers is that surges in e-commerce create inventory management problems and, in response, they began turning from “just-in-time” supply chain models to new “just-in-case” inventory levels.

Meanwhile, smaller retailers and manufacturers hit the leasing snooze button, repeatedly, due to overall economic uncertainty. Among the sub-500,000-sf logistics-user crowd, we saw expiring third-party logistics contracts being renewed month to month rather than the typical one- to five-year terms, a number of smaller retailers suffering from severe supply disruptions related to Chinese manufacturing dependence, and domestic manufacturers cutting labor hours and output.

As a result, companies with expiring leases were only willing to extend leases for short terms and seeking to satisfy new capacity needs with short-term leases. In fact, we saw a lot of demand for lease terms ranging from month-to-month through six-months, with the occasional one-year term, and noted that some users were turning increasingly to temporary capacity (warehouse as a solution) providers like Flexe, Warehouse Exchange and others.

These tendencies have stretched out vacancy time for mid-market distribution and even last-mile spaces, while keeping solid overall absorption statistics in play thanks to the appetites of the biggest retailers. Vacancy risk increased as projected downtime became more difficult to predict. The possibility of downward pressure on rents for smaller spaces also entered the equation for the first time in a long time. In fact, we hit the snooze button on our mid-market speculative development projects in order to ensure delivery after a vaccine becomes widely available and herd immunity begins to take hold, perhaps late 2021 or early 2022.

On the other hand, vacancy risk related to 500,000-plus-sf facilities narrowed, as the leasing of speculative developments sustained hardly a hiccup.

Naturally, capital markets transactions followed the risk profile closely. After a two-month period from April to May during which virtually no new acquisition opportunities came to market, deal flow began to trickle out again in June, led largely by ultra-low-risk, long-term, single tenant net-leased assets. As summer pushed on and we experienced a second wave of the virus, STNLs were joined in the marketplace by sellers who had aggregated, sometimes disparate, portfolios into institutional sizes, usually well north of $50 million. Through this time, there remained a dearth of one-off, sub-$50 million projects, but those finally began to emerge in October, roughly about the same time as institutional capital allocations for 2020 became exhausted.

Among these smaller projects, we also began to see a few offerings with some leasing risk – the “value-add” acquisition type – but, of course, these assets need a price discovery period as the virus and its current third wave remains with us for at least the next few months.

Underwriting lease-up time on value-add projects is scarcely more reliable than it was in the spring, meaning not very predictable at all.

Economic risk remains the most difficult to forecast, because of the enormous, unprecedented variables of both capricious government mandated economic restrictions and erratic political direction on fiscal stimulus. Predicting the direction of the economy using data, like the good old days, is so subordinate to these variables that it is somewhat pointless. Well, here we go anyway: The economy rebounded smartly from the shutdowns and gross domestic product grew 33.1% in the third quarter following its -31.4% cliff dive in the second, which looks rather like a “V” shape when graphed, but this is not the case for the labor market, which took on the swoosh. Huge gains were made early in job recovery, but it then leveled off and stayed there, with unemployment likely to end the year hovering around 7%.

Absent government restrictions/ stimulus, we should expect growth to continue but more slowly as long-term unemployment begins to weigh on consumer spending. Even with herd immunity, it will take many quarters of growth to restore employment levels to their history making pre-pandemic levels.

Ultimately, recovery will continue through 2021, allowing logistics real estate to equalize across all size ranges, likely within the next 12 to 18 months, thus validating its new era status as the overall most risk averse asset class in commercial real estate.

August 6, 2019 by admin

The legendary war philosopher Sun Tzu famously said, “The line between disorder and order lies in logistics.” Logistics is all about efficiency, and in today’s e-commerce-challenged supply chain, efficiency has been blown up to a large extent. Supply chains across industries, particularly in the retail-to-end-user world, have been undergoing complete reinvention for the better part of a decade.

Supply chain disruption resulting from e-commerce is rooted in the push to an omnichannel delivery model: Retailers are working hard to adapt to consumer demand to buy anywhere, accept delivery anywhere and return anywhere. Five-to-seven-day delivery is being replaced by one-to-two-day delivery, and the quest for the holy grail of low-cost, same-day or even two-hour delivery is stressing the old retail supply chain model. Failure to adopt an omnichannel strategy usually means death, as the many recently bankrupt retailers would surely attest.

With omnichannel, physical stores don’t go away. Retailers downsize and right-size as the need to retain more local inventory pushes storage out of stores and into warehouses. Those warehouses need strategic locations to satisfy consumers' need for speed: Fulfillment centers are becoming larger and more efficient, and regional distribution facilities are diversifying geographically and often shrinking. The precious needle in the haystack is the “last-mile” location for direct delivery from warehouse to doorstep. As one of the pioneering firms in the business of e-commerce-driven real estate, my company is often asked by investors, developers and municipal officials about the impact of supply chain disruption on the warehouse market. We work hard to identify factors that may impact warehouse utilization in this dynamically changing environment. While our forecasted impacts dating back to the early days of e-commerce continue to play out before my eyes, one thing continues to change the landscape almost daily: technology.

The need for last-mile warehouses to facilitate same-day delivery can be an overwhelming obstacle in many markets. With the explosion of demand for delivery of online orders to doorsteps, the need for retailers to push standing inventory closer to population densities has posed a difficulty: how to get single-order product to the customer instead of having them come visit a store to buy it. And even with stores to ship from, if a package is purchased online and delivered to the home or business, why ship it from expensive retail real estate? Meanwhile, traditional warehouses are set up to manage bulk, not single-order, merchandise, and are not typically located close to population densities. Together, these issues form the last-mile delivery challenge.

In solving that challenge, logistics providers must first be concerned with transportation costs, so traffic congestion by itself can have a major impact on location decisions. Availability of warehouse labor, inefficient facility characteristics like inadequate loading and clear height and municipal resistance to warehouses in densely populated areas often limit or eliminate opportunities to locate in the choicest spots for logistical efficiency. Meanwhile, many of the most densely populated areas (often near downtowns) have old, functionally obsolete warehouses and municipal leaders who see gentrification through converting those warehouses (or vacant power centers) to mixed-use developments. Municipalities are motivated to increase population with “live-work-play” communities, but it comes at the cost of an ability to deliver to that new population without warehouses. So, it’s not likely going to get easier to gain supply chain efficiency.

Enter Driverless Trucks

The U.S. Department of Transportation announced last fall that it will not interfere with the advent of driverless truck usage, but many states and municipalities remain extremely concerned. Immediate push-back came from consumer rights groups concerned with safety and potential cyberthreats, and a significant public fear of autonomous vehicles. I believe if public fear manifests in delays and regulation, then even if the industry is ready to roll out these trucks in the next few years, they are probably many more years away from visiting your neighborhood streets. The logistics industry will be okay with that for now, while focus remains on driverless trucks for highway use only.

Ultimately, driverless trucks may certainly impact facilities' location decisions in a few important ways. Intuitively, we are inclined to think the technology will allow for fulfillment centers to be in more rural/lower-cost environments, which may be true, but only to the extent those environments can still provide enough labor for the facility to operate. Despite rapid advances in robotics, e-commerce warehouses are labor-intensive, so locations will require a solid labor pool to be available.

I've heard some suggest the technology may limit the need for regional distribution centers (DCs) by turning these trucks into “rolling warehouses.” I doubt this could happen: If you think about how much freight can be packed into, say, a single 500,000-square-foot, 36-foot clear warehouse, which provides roughly 18,000,000 cubic feet of storage (less circulation and rack-height limits), then think about how many 53-foot trailers (with 3,816 cubic feet of storage) it would take to fill that up. Spoiler alert: It’s over 4,700 trucks. Against a backdrop of over 15 billion square feet of U.S. warehouse space, according to Cushman & Wakefield's Q1 2019 MarketBeat report, you can see the folly of that line of thinking pretty quickly.

For the near future, the long-haul trucking segment may involve highway-only use with transfer points for human drivers to take over on local roads. Therefore, the idea of transfer points could cause some impact at the regional DC level. The pickup of a truck from a transfer point by a human driver may resemble the drayage system seen at ports and intermodal facilities, where drivers are employed to move as much as possible from point A to point B in a day. Quick back-and-forth means efficiency, so facilities would benefit from being located as close to those transfer points as possible.

Fascinating developments continue to emerge with driverless truck technology and regulation, so stay tuned. The one key takeaway is that driverless trucks will offer a welcome breath of efficiency to a challenged logistics industry, and perhaps help to blur Sun Tzu’s line between disorder and order just a bit. Let’s embrace them when they arrive.